49 items
Jim and Shirley Aide discussing the diversity of young people growing up in Thamesmead
Audio interview with Thamesmead resident Steve Peterson
The Guvnors
Dave Rogers discusses growing up in Thamesmead and the adventure playground
Interview with former resident Dave Rogers about growing up in Thamesmead and his memories of the area
Aphex Twin, Come to Daddy
Beautiful Thing Film
Thamesmead Estate of Mind
Ikea Advert
Dave Rogers discusses growing up in Thamesmead and wandering around finding bomb cases, grenades and guns from the old Woolwich Arsenal site
Dave Rogers discusses growing up in Thamesmead
Sam Smith
Jim and Shirley Aide discussing Kids growing up in Thamesmead
Photograph of children playing on the walkway in Thamesmead
Portrait of a Boy in jacket
Smiling Girl
Boy hanging upside down
Portrait of Girl
Paul Holland
Denise Smith
Tak, Thomas and Peter
Ida, Sam and Eugene
Jean Hazell
Julia and Sanghita
Girls celebrating the Queens Silver Jubilee
Portrait of Four Boys on the Street
Portrait of Boy knealing
Portrait of Three School Girls
Portrait of boy laughing
Portrait of a Girl
Portrait of a Boy
Beautiful Thing, An Urban Fairy Tale
Demo Victory
Saturday Afternoon
Soccer Mad but nowhere to change
Pupils at Lesnes Abbey
Crossing Southmere Park
Abbey Way Play Area
Rowntree Path
Children play on Tavy Bridge
Thamesmead Adventure Scheme
Letter from Sunday Football Assoication
Handmade Thamesmead Town FC Newsletter — TYFC
Thamesmead Town FC Juniors
Thamesmead Footsloggers
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