580 items
Audio Interview with Thamesmead resident Billy Devereux
Photograph of fabrication of concrete parts in factory within Thamesmead
Photograph of Tavy Bridge underground car park (now demolished)
Aerial photograph of Thamesmead
Map of Thamesmead, Area 4 North Plan
Photograph of Binsey Walk and Maran Way construction
Photograph of Hartslock Drive and Shire, Teeswater and Buckwheat Courts
Photograph of Jacob and Clysdale houses, Penton and Trewsbury Houses
Photograph of Block 7 under construction
Blocks 8 & 9 under construction
Looking across from Block 9 to Blocks 2,3,4,5,6
Construction of Block 14 and Boiler House
View across Block 8 showing construction of Blocks 3,4,5,6
View from across Block 6 towards Blocks 7&8
Eastern Industrial
Block 13
Block 9
View from Pub
Stage 3: Block F.5
GLC postcard: Flowers
GLC postcard: Sun and Grass
GLC postcard: Southmere
GLC postcard: River
GLC postcard: Water Birds
GLC postcard: Boats on Southmere
GLC postcard: Towers
GLC postcard: Kids on Tavy Bridge
GLC postcard: Trees
GLC postcard: Binsey
GLC postcard: Playground on Tavy Bridge
Thamesmead Town AGM
Picking Blackberries
Model of building components
Royal Arsenal Land
Prince Philip visits
Model of Lakeside Health Centre and Pyramid Club
Coralline Walk
Lensbury Way
Masterplan for Thamesmead Waterfront
Thamesmead Festival 50th Poster
June Brown visits RTM
Hinksey Path 2018
Thamesmead Town v’s Wimbledon FC
Blocks G10 and G9
Block A3
Stage 3. Block F.4 & 5
Stage 3. Blocks G.11 and G.10 (Reverse).
Local Centre Blocks and Boiler House
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